When Does TMS Start Working For People With Depression And Anxiety?

Keegan Warrington
August 22, 2022

Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions people experience. But that doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to go through. People struggling with these conditions have their lives significantly affected– it debilitates them from functioning normally.

Luckily, there are several ways to treat depression and anxiety. One of the treatments is Transcranial Magnetic stimulation, or TMS, for short.

TMS is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates the nerve cells in your brain using magnetic fields. These magnetic fields target areas that control mood and depression, improving symptoms of anxiety and depression. People usually go for this method when other means of treatment aren’t effective.

Although effective, TMS is not as popular as psychotherapy and medications. So some people ask, “when does TMS start working?”

how long do the effects of tms treatment last?

When Does TMS Start Working For Depression And Anxiety?

As with any mental health treatment, the question on everyone’s mind is, “when will it start working?” People want a fast-acting solution to see the effects immediately, but that seldom happens.

You won’t get a definitive answer to that question. How soon TMS starts working will depend on the unique characteristics of one’s brain. Some people notice changes within the first week of treatment; others will see changes several weeks into it.

Some factors that impact how well you respond to TMS include:

  • Treatment resistance – Medications are usually the first line of defense in treating anxiety and depression. If you don’t respond well to these, you may respond better to TMS.
  • Age – Younger patients tend to respond better to TMS because they have better neuroplasticity– the brain’s ability to change through growth and reorganization.
  • Personality – Those who score higher on the Temperament and Character Inventory Test may respond to TMS better than those who score lower.

If you don’t see any change or improvement with TMS, it doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working. There may just be a delayed reaction because of how your brain is wired.

Another factor could also be how severe your condition is. Those with mild depression or anxiety could do with psychotherapy and medication. But if your condition is more serious, then it will take time for TMS to take effect.

what to do after tms treatment

How Long Does The Effects Of TMS Treatment Last?

Aside from how soon the treatment will work, people also want to know how long the effects of TMS last. People usually focus on the immediate and short-term effects of treatments. But, of course, they would want a treatment that would give them long-term relief.

Like for the previous question, the answer here remains open-ended. The duration of the impact of TMS on a person relies on different factors. However, research says TMS can be a long-term solution.

Although there is no certainty as to when it starts working, TMS can have a significant long-term impact on those struggling with anxiety and depression.

Most patients who complete an entire TMS program experience massive improvements in their depression symptoms for at least six months.

A study found that about 63% of the patients enrolled in a 6-week TMS treatment were symptom-free and in remission even after a year since their initial treatment.

Some people even remain changed for over a year.

Can I relapse After TMS Treatment?

It’s natural for people to want a treatment that will surely “cure” them. So asking, “do I relapse after TMS treatment?” is normal.

But no matter how effective the treatment is, there will always be a potential for relapse. One study found that about 80% of the patients relapsed after a successful TMS treatment.

Be that as it may, relapsing isn’t equal to failing. That is a common occurrence in recovering from mental health conditions.

If this does happen to you, do not give up.

do i relapse after tms treatment

What To Do After TMS Treatment

TMS is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require anesthesia, meaning you can go home after every session.

In addition to that, there are some things you can do to get even better results.

    1. Get a good night’s sleep

Early in the treatment, TMS can have a lulling effect. So after a session, make sure that you sleep well.

More than that, getting good quality sleep means you’ll have a good day because of your higher energy, better mood, and sharper concentration.

    2. Eat healthily and drink water

What you eat can affect your mood, and good nutrition can give you the energy you need for your treatment. Your concentration and endurance will even improve as you progress through sessions.

    3. Exercise and stay active

Countless studies have found that working out is a great way to treat depression and anxiety on your own, as happy chemicals are released during these times.

You can even go straight to the gym after a TMS session. That will keep your energy up and stress levels low.

    4. Be patient and surround yourself with good people

As was previously said, TMS might not have an immediate effect on you. That doesn’t mean it’s not working. It just takes a bit longer for some people.

how long does tms treatment last

Or, there may have already been changes– you just didn’t notice them. Sometimes, other people see the impacts before you do. So, spending time with a solid support group can do wonders.

When first-line treatments like talk therapy and medications don’t work, you can turn to TMS. It’s an effective alternative to common treatments as it targets your brain directly, altering certain brain functions. You may wonder, “will I feel the effects right away?” or “how long does TMS treatment last.” You won’t get a sure answer. All you can do is try it and see the changes.

You don’t need to look further for TMS treatment in California. You can find peace with us. Start your healing journey with people equipped with skill and compassion to help you. You can visit us at 3939 Atlantic Ave Suite 102, Long Beach, CA 90807, United States. You may also contact us at 562-203-0567 or go to our website rootstms.wpengine.com.On your recovery journey, consider CBT therapy and choose Roots TMS. Start your healing journey with people with the skill and compassion to help you. You can visit us at 3939 Atlantic Ave Suite 102, Long Beach, CA 90807, United States. You may also contact us at 562-203-0567 or go to our website rootstms.wpengine.com.

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Keegan Warrington