Risk Factors for Sexual Trauma Among Female Military Service Personnel

Noah Warren
September 27, 2023

Sexual trauma is an unfortunate reality for many individuals, and female military service members are particularly vulnerable to experiencing sexual violence. In this blog post, we delve into the specific risk factors for sexual trauma among female military service personnel. By understanding these factors, we can better support and protect the wellbeing of women serving our country.

sexual trauma
Source: Pexels.com

An Overview of Sexual Trauma Among Female Military Service Personnel

Research suggests that sexual trauma is more common among female military service personnel than civilians. According to the Department of Defense’s annual Sexual Assault and Prevention Report, one in 10 female sailors experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2021.

The Department of Defense has recognized sexual violence as a significant issue and implemented initiatives to increase reporting and prevention efforts. However, understanding the specific risk factors for sexual trauma can further inform effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Risk Factors for Sexual Trauma Among Female Military Service Personnel

Military Culture

  • The hierarchical structure of the military can create an environment of power disparities, which can contribute to the risk of sexual violence.
  • Cultural norms that prioritize toughness and resilience over vulnerability and emotion can prevent individuals from reporting or seeking support after experiencing sexual violence.


  • Female military service members are at greater risk of experiencing sexual trauma than male service members.
  • There is a correlation between the percentage of women in a military unit and the incidence of sexual assault.


  • The stress and isolation associated with deployment can exacerbate pre-existing mental health issues, making individuals more susceptible to experiencing sexual violence.
  • The lack of privacy and physical boundaries in shared living spaces can increase the risk of sexual misconduct.

History of Trauma

  • Individuals with a history of trauma, such as childhood sexual abuse or intimate partner violence, may be more vulnerable to experiencing sexual trauma in military settings.


Sexual trauma is a pervasive issue among female military service personnel, and understanding the specific risk factors is crucial for effective prevention and intervention strategies. While the military has made strides in addressing sexual violence, there is still much work to be done to support and protect the wellbeing of women serving our country.

We must prioritize cultural and systemic changes that acknowledge and address power disparities, support emotional vulnerability, and foster a safer, more inclusive environment for all service members.

Remember, individuals experiencing sexual violence deserve compassionate and respectful support. If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual trauma, resources are available through the Department of Defense Safe Helpline and the Military OneSource website. You may also reach out to us at Roots Mental Wellness.

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Noah Warren
Director of Business Development